There are so many words in our Bible translations that have either lost their original meaning or never had the original meaning. Worship is one of them.
Abraham and Isaac left their two servants and told them to wait there until they returned. They would go and worship and come again.
They left with a knife, firewood and fire to perform a sacrifice. True, they didn’t seem to have anything to sacrifice and they certainly didn’t have any guitar or any other “worship” leader’s essential with them. But this was worship. Genesis 22:5
The Hebrew word for worship is – shachah – and the Greek word is – proskuneo – and both words mean to bow down in recognition of a superior.
Abraham’s intended worship was to submit to God’s will. No singing and dancing but submission to the will of God.
The dying Jacob “ worshiped, leaning on the head of his staff”. Again, no guitar or music present. He was about to subject himself to the spirit of God and speak the prophetic words of what would befall his descendants in the last days.
This was worship. Hebrews 11:21
Singing and music are for praise, which are of course, due to our God and to our Saviour Jesus the anointed one but true worship is submission to the will and control of our God.